Roseland House, Garden and Nursery

Roseland House, Garden and Nursery

Chacewater Hill, Chacewater, Truro, TR4 8QB
Tel: (01872) 560451

A garden full of surprises

The garden at Roseland house has suffered mixed fortunes over the years. In the 1860's it was, like the house, victorianised, but by the end of WWII there was little left, the whole area having been "dug for victory". Following the war a succession of owners and tenants failed to make much impact, land was sold off and when we arrived in 1983 the garden was empty of plants, featureless and without shelter. Gardening did not begin straight away but the hedges, trees and shrubs planted in the early days now provide the shelter without which nothing much will grow in Cornwall.

The most frequently heard comment from visitors to the garden is surprise! when you come in from the village you enter a hidden garden, totally unexpected and full of surprises! once inside its hard to imagine you are in the centre of a busy village, planting is heavy and reflects our love of plants. Sturdy Plants suitable for providing shelter in a garden are frequently not that exciting, and it was not long before our passion for climbing plants of all kinds took hold.

A Victorian conservatory provides shelter for tender climbers and houses a wide range of scented leafed Pelargoniums.

The top part of the garden is still orchard with some trees dating back to the 1800's. Some old varieties are now identified, others remain a mystery.

Although the garden is on a slope a route around can be taken which avoids all the steps and the gravel paths have been largely replaced with brick. We estimate 85% of the garden, the loo and the teas all to be accessible to wheel chair users, but due to the slope would recommend either an able bodied pusher or a power assisted chair.

The Nursery

Located in the garden is our small specialist nursery, a Mail order catalogue of the climbing and conservatory plants is available.


On the main road at the eastern end of the village.

Opening Times

1.00pm - 6.00pm
Tuesday and Wednesday
April to September

Admission Charged

Chacewater       Redruth       Truro       Chyverton Park       Penrose Water Gardens

Bosvigo House and Garden       Cornwall's Garden Centres