Cornwall's Wildlife

Cornwall's Wildlife

Kernow Godhvil

Five Acres, Allet, Truro, TR4 9DJ
Tel: (01872) 273939


Going Wild in Cornwall

Cornwall is a magical, historic place, a landscape full of contrasts; of old industry and intensive farming, expansive moors and tangled woods. The unique wildlife has adapted to the landscape we have created and still thrives in the expected places and in plenty of unexpected ones too.

All seven major habitat types are found in the county, including sand dunes at Penhale and Gwithian, the estuaries of the Fal, Fowey, Helford, Hayle, Tamar and Camel Rivers, old industrial sites at Botallack and Bodmin Moor, woodland at Looe and Boscastle and heathland on the Lizard and mid Cornwall moors near St. Austell.

Sights seen across Cornwall include:
Peregrine falcons sitting on top of Truro Cathedral eyeing up the feral rock doves;
Wild-flower's bursting from the hedges and colonising cracks in pavements and waste ground;
Migrant butterflies, moths and dragonflies arriving on southerly winds;
Foxes, badgers and hedgehogs rummaging in our gardens and;
Seals popping their heads up to catch a breath whilst surveying the scene.

In recent years Cornwall has also seen jellyfish and Portuguese man o' war wander up the Atlantic coast from warmer seas to end up our beaches and shores with places like Newquay or Perranporth taking the brunt of the invasion.

The Cornwall Wildlife Trust is a charitable organisation founded in 1962 that is concerned solely with Cornwall. It deals with the conservation and preservation of Cornwall's wildlife and habitats managing over fifty nature reserves covering approximately 4,300 acres, amongst them Looe Island.

Feadon Farm Wildlife Centre       Newquay Zoo       Paradise Park       Porfell Wildlife Park

Bodmin Beacon Local Nature Reserve       Cardinham Woods       Kit Hill Country Park       Seaton Valley Country Park

Siblyback Lake Country Park       Stithians Lake Country Park       Tamar Lakes Country Park       Tehidy Country Park

Beast of Bodmin       The Cornish Chough